Registration Form for NEW REGISTRANTS: Private classes FOUR students.
Day/time: TBD. Age: 7-99 yrs. Cost: $53.10 + HST (13%) = $60
To register please fill out and submit the on-line form below. To complete the registration please submit the payment (cash, cheque or e-transfer). Cash and cheques (payable to iCreate) can be submitted to our studio location at 987 Clarkson Rd. S. L5J 2V8, Unit 102, Misssissauga, ON. E-transfer can be sent to
We confirm receiving of the payment and registration by phone or email.
Sections shown in bold are mandatory
Please fill out non-bold sections for registrants younger than 16
Desired starting date:
Select any number of classes between 1 and 10:
Registrant‘s First Name:
Registrant‘s Last Name:
Registrant‘s age (if younger than 16):
Male / Female / N/A (Optional):
Parent‘s name (if younger than 16):
Other emergency contacts:
Phone number:
E-mail (for organizational purposes):
Would you like to receive occasional update email about our programs?
May we use photos of you or your child in class on our promotional materials?
Please list your or your child‘s allergies or health issues our staff should be aware of:
Notes (Optional):
Program Disclaimer
Health Preventive Measures Changes to iCreate art studio Health Preventive Measures may take place at any time to reflect future developments in public health conditions. I agree to follow iCreate art studio current and future Health Preventive Measures. Refunds or credits will not be issued for unused classes to registrants who are unable to adhere to the masking or other health requirements, should these requirements be changed during the course of the registrant's session. Facial masks Facial masks are optional. If a program participant is showing any symptoms of respiratory illness in the class, he/she/they will be asked to put on a facial mask and remain in the waiting room until the pick up time. Entering the studio Only class participants and iCreate staff members can enter the studio. Parents/guardians dropping off or picking up their kids are asked to remain in the hallway. In case of having a positive COVID-19 test If the registrant or anyone in the registrant's household tests positive for COVID-19 the registrant is not permitted to come to the class. The registrant is permitted to return to iCreate programs only after he/she/they, and all their household members have fully recovered from the condition and test negative for COVID-19. In case of showing symptoms of a respiratory condition If the registrant exhibits any symptoms listed below - even without having a positive COVID-19 test - he/she/they is not permitted to come to the class. Registrant must not attend iCreate classes until he/she/they have fully recovered from the condition. List of symptoms to check for before each iCreate art class: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath, Decreased or loss of taste or smell, Sneezing, runny nose or nasal congestion, Headache, Extreme fatigue, Sore throat, Muscle aches or joint pain, Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea). Cancellations, payments, refunds Cancellations are accepted up to 7 days before the start of the regular studio program. Cancellations made less than 7 days before the start of the regular studio program are subject to administration fee equal to 25% of the program fee. Please note — the registration is completed only upon the receiving of the full payment (we cannot guarantee space in the program if only the registration was submitted, without the payment). Refunds are not applicable for any booked and unused classes if the registrant decides to drop out from the session. Rescheduling of individual classes 1. Registrant can reschedule up to 2 classes in one session (session is between 1 and 10 classes). Exceptions to this rule will be made if important reasons arise - please communicate this to our staff before the class (see pt. 2 below). 2. To re-schedule a class, iCreate staff must receive and respond to registrant's notification at least 1 hour before the start of the class. A missed class for which a timely notification was not received will not be eligible for rescheduling. Art projects 1. During a regular program class all participants in the group work on the same project. In special circumstances and upon instructor's approval exceptions will be made, e.g. for dedicated portfolio projects. 2. A multi-class projects that are not completed by the registrant due to missing a class need to be finished at home. Safety waiver. Registrants‘ safety is the iCreate‘s staff highest priority. However, I acknowledge and agree with that iCreate owners, landlords, agents and staff are not responsible for injuries, damages or losses I or participants I have registered for iCreate programs may sustain while participating in iCreate programs or related activities, such as recesses, field trips, personal breaks, participants‘ drop-offs and pick-ups and other. I hereby accept full responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses I or my child may sustain while participating in iCreate programs or related activities. In case of emergency In case of an emergency I authorize iCreate staff to arrange any necessary medical treatment from a licensed health care provider for me or the program participant(s) I have registered for iCreate program(s).
I have read and agree with the Program Disclaimer:
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
February 17, 2025