iCreate studio Registration Form: Drawing and Painting for Adults.
Program time: Wed., 11.00-12.30 AM, 5-10 classes, Cost per class: $32.75 + HST (13%) = $37
To register please fill out and submit the on-line form below. To complete the registration please submit the payment (cash, cheque or e-transfer). Cash and cheques (payable to iCreate) can be submitted to our studio location at 987 Clarkson Rd. S. L5J 2V8, Unit 102, Misssissauga, ON. E-transfer can be sent to info@icreate.ca.
We confirm receiving of the payment and registration by phone or email.

Desired starting date:
Select your number of classes:
Registrant‘s First Name:
Registrant‘s Last Name:
Daytime and evening phone numbers:
E-mail (for tax receipts and organizational purposes):
Would you like to receive occasional update email about our programs? Yes    No   
May we use photos of your works on our promotional materials? Yes    No   
May we use photos of you on our promotional materials? Yes    No   
Please list your allergies or health issues our staff should be aware of:
Program Disclaimer
I have read and agree with the Program Disclaimer: Yes    No   
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
 February 17, 2025