iCreate Summer Camp Registration Form for Children 7-16 yrs old.
Camp dates: Aug. 12-16, Half-day camp, 1.00 to 4.00 PM, Fee: $243.35 + HST (13%) = $275
To register please fill out the on-line form below and submit a non-refundable deposit ($100 for half-day, $200 for full-day camp).
The remainder of the fee is due no later than 24 hours before the start of the camp.
We confirm receiving of the payment and registration by email.
Camp date and time:
Number of camp days:
Registrant‘s First Name:
Registrant‘s Last Name:
Registrant‘s age:
Parent‘s/guardian‘s name:
Daytime and evening phone numbers:
Other emergency contacts:
E-mail (for organizational purposes):
Would you like to receive occasional update email about our programs?
May we use photos of your child in class on our promotional materials?
After classes my child will be:
picked up
Additional ‘pick up‘ or ‘other‘ details or persons:
Please list your child‘s allergies or health issues our staff should be aware of:
Program Disclaimer
Health Preventive Measures Facial masks are optional. Only camp participants and iCreate staff members can enter the studio. Parents/guardians dropping off or picking up their children are asked to remain in the hallway. Parents must conduct daily screening before bringing the child to the camp for any of the following symptoms of respiratory conditions: fever (temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or greater) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, decreased or loss of taste or smell, runny nose or nasal congestion, headache, extreme fatigue, sore throat, muscle aches or joint pain, gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea). Registrants are not allowed to attend the camp if they exhibit any of the aforestated symptoms. Registrants are allowed to return to the remaining days of the camp after they have fully recovered from the condition. No credit applies for days missed in the camp due to illness. Registrants are not allowed to attend the remainder of the camp if they, or any of their household members, test positive for COVID-19. The child can be registered and attend other camp sessions only when it and its household members have fully recovered, and test negative for COVID-19. No credit applies for days missed in earlier camps due to illness. Cancellations, payments, missed days, refunds The non-refundable registration deposit ($100 for half-day camp, $200 for full-day camp) is required within 24 hours after the registration submission. A remainder of the camp‘s fee is required no later than 24 hours before the start of the camp. A full camp fee is due at the time of registration if the registration is submitted within 24 hours of the camp‘s starting date. If you submitted the full camp payment but subsequently made a cancellation, a refund of the camp‘s fee less the non-refundable deposit will be issued only if we received the cancellation notice at least 24 hours before the start of the camp. Please make sure to contact us directly (e.g. by phone) to ensure that we are aware of your cancellation request if it is being submitted very close to the camp‘s starting date. The registration deposit is final and non-refundable. The deposit cannot be credited or transferred to other programs. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the start of the camp, on the camp‘s starting date, or at any time during the camp‘s period are not eligible for a refund of any part of the camp‘s fee. Any days missed during the camp are not eligible for a refund, credit, or rescheduling. iCreate art studio reserves the right to cancel any of the camp sessions if the number of registrations is too low. Outdoor breaks and field trips I give a permission for my child‘s participation in outdoor breaks and field trips. I acknowledge the full application of the ‘Safety waiver‘ provisions to the outdoor breaks and field trips settings. Safety waiver Registrants‘ safety is the iCreate‘s staff highest priority. However, I acknowledge and agree with that iCreate owners, landlords, agents and staff are not responsible for injuries, damages or losses I or participants I have registered for iCreate programs may sustain while participating in iCreate programs or related activities, such as recesses, field trips, personal breaks, participants‘ drop-offs and pick-ups and other. I hereby accept full responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses I or my child may sustain while participating in iCreate programs or related activities. In case of emergency In case of an emergency I authorize iCreate staff to arrange any necessary medical treatment from a licensed health care provider for me or the program participant(s) I have registered for iCreate program(s).
I have read and agree with the Program Disclaimer:
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
February 17, 2025